Fragile Vision
Fragile vision is a state of significant vision loss, such that full correction with normal ophthalmic lenses is difficult or impossible, leading to limitations in daily activities, dissatisfaction, and discomfort.
Fragile vision affects the elderly in particular, who are generally affected by a decrease in visual acuity caused by degenerative eye diseases. The term may also extend to young people affected by hereditary diseases of the visual system.
In order to remain independent for as long as possible, it is essential to use compensatory and corrective aids from the earliest stages of the disease, so that they may be adapted naturally as the disease progresses to the degenerative phase.
Fragile vision symptoms

Deformations and visual interference
Spots, corpuscles, or flashes of light may be early signs of disease or the result of microtrauma and bleeding.

Glare, contrast, and colour sensitivity
With vision disorders, glare from direct light or poor vision during twilight and evening hours are common.

Visual field
The irreversible loss of peripheral vision caused by glaucoma very often occurs at advanced stages, leading to tubular vision. Degenerative and genetic maculopathies, on the other hand, are characterized by the loss of fine vision, with a central blind area.

Nystagmus and fixation